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88888888888 亲爱的网站管理员,你们网站做的确实不错,想与你们交换一个链接,以下是我的链接。任你挑选!我代表全国人民向你致敬 [url=]深圳翻译[/url] [url=]法语培训深圳法语TEF深圳留学移民[/url] [url=]广州硬盘数据恢复广州硬盘数据数据修复[/url] [url=]深圳装修公司深圳装饰公司[/url] [url=]办公家具[/url] [[url=]汽车美容汽车护理用品底盘装甲车内环保护理漆面美容护理汽车隔音[/url] [url=]深圳法语培训深圳留学移民[/url] [url=]激光打标激光切割激光加工激光雕刻镭雕加工按键加工镭射加工[/url] [url=]仪器仪表台式万用表红外测温仪温度计[/url] [url=]广州数据恢复广州数据修复硬盘数据恢复硬盘数据修复数据修复公司数据恢复公司[/url] [url=] 上海翻译公司北京翻译广州翻译深圳翻译[/url] [url=]东莞翻译[/url] [url=]广州翻译北京翻译公司上海翻译[/url] [url=]加拿大中文网加拿大旅行社加拿大签证加拿大旅游签证加拿大探亲签证[/url] [url=]市场研究公司市场调研公司市场调查公司[/url] [url=]万能材料试验机扭转试验机弹簧试验机拉力机[/url] [url=]开关按键开关电源插座[/url] [url=]PTC热敏电阻片式NTC热敏电阻贴片压敏电阻[/url] [url=]早泄尖锐湿疣性障碍[/url] [url=]国际机票飞机票机票预定机票价格[/url] [url=]高压电源[/url] [url=]传奇私服[/url] []口吃[/url] [url=]铝镁合金丝铝合金同轴电缆铝焊条[/url] [url=]柔性天花吊顶天花[/url] [url=]深圳财务咨询财务顾问[/url] [url=]深圳搬家公司深圳搬迁网深圳搬家网[/url] [url=]失眠抑郁症[/url] [url=]白癜风鱼鳞病牛皮癣[/url]


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Up to this day (18.feb.2004) nobody in the forum seems to have FreeMind running on a PDA. It should be possible because there are Java-VMs for the Palm and Pocket PC platform (e. g. ) and there is JRE for Linux-based PDAs. If you succeed, please write about it here.

I created XSLT files to translate to/from ShadowPlan Desktop XML format. You can get them from the ShadowPlan Yahoo! Group. Jules (

FreeMind combined with wiki

Disclaimer: What follows are suggestions of FreeMind users, not of the FreeMind development team. There is no combination of FreeMind and wiki under development, nor do we endorse the idea in any way. --Danielpolansky 13:15, 26 Sep 2004 (PDT)

Creating a mixture of Freemind and a Wiki would be very interesting. It would be shown on the web and editable by everybody, like a Wiki, but it would not be ugly text-only but a beautiful mindmap instead!

Maybe a fusion of of mind maps and wikis reform the whole wiki-szene and eventually the internet. Rendering Wikis with Freemind would make them so much more attractive to users. --Helge


Moving through XML data, finding and modifying links will enable the link between wikis, search engines and mind mapping

Existing Applications Similar to the Idea of FreeMind Wiki

In general: Combination of wikis and mind maps

Now I found the place where a combination of wikis and mind maps should be and is being discussed. In "the mother of all wikis":

  • Here is an explanation:
  • Here you will find an example of a visual map of a wiki which is generated by a script. Please copy the link into your browser and take the space out by hand. We do not want to real link in here because then to many bots would visit it and that would be to much traffic for the script which generates the maps. Copy this to your browser and take the "WRONG" out: "http:WRONG//"
  • Here you will find even more ways to visualize wikis:

Wikiing with FreeMind

  • The first step could be to add a save format to Freemind which is Wiki-style, in any case more human readable than the current XML-format. Then you could edit Wiki-pages in this format in Freemind. This should be quite easy. *Something similar is there now: There is an export/import to Emacs' outline format. This is compatible to Wikipedia-style outlines. See here: Import and export to Emacs and Wikipedia-outlines
  • Maybe something can be programmed along the lines of the TWikiDrawPlugin --Helge

We need a version of Freemind which can show the changes between two Freemind files in nice way.

Japanese FreeMindWiki

From Takeshi: Hi, My friend Akiyah have developed MindMapBBS, aim to create web-based MindMapping without rich UI browser. He is planning connecting with wiki from MindMapBBS. MindMapBBS is Zope Product(DTML Based), can be used as inlined object in DTML Document/Method. He called Small Product. (Now, supported japanese only).

Thanks for that hint! Nearly nothing on the page yet, but sounds very interesting. We should keep checking that site for updates.



An icon to associate with Freemind documents (.mm) is available for download below. It supports 256 as well as true color regimes.
