Mind map gallery

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This gallery shows mind maps contributed by FreeMind users. Many of the mind maps are shown in a Flash browser, which looks different from the FreeMind application.

  • For non-English mind maps just use another wiki pages and link to them from this section

Maps in English



Business Procedures, Workflows, Models

  • Sascha Mundstein's maps on mind mapping and business topics, including attacking problems, creativity, a model for venture capital investment analysis, risk management plan, a book review, and an online marketing framework.
  • Business Plan generator, contains a mindmap and a small number of OpenOffice.org spreadsheets (linked to from within the mindmap). Most nodes on the mindmap have notes containing clear explanations of what you need to do, and the rest are self-explanatory. Use this to work out your business plan. Add all the info as notes on the nodes. When you're happy with it, export it to OpenOffice Writer format, then edit the doc and link in the spreadsheets, and hey presto, you've got a complete polished business plan ready to take to the bank or your favourite VC.

Noshir Jesung 14:31, 5 Aug 2008 (pdt)


Computer Languages


<mm>Python 1.5|flash|title Python Computer Language - Contents|parameters startCollapsedToLevel=4</mm>: Notes on Python 1.5. It doesn't include the absolute basics, such as significant white-space or how to create variables. It also skips the basics of data types and control flow (see the Quick Reference link in the mind-map for those). This mind-map acts as a contents page, just listing major topics. Each major topic in the mind-map has a link to a sub-map with details of that topic. SimonTeW 02:52, 16 Mar 2008 (PDT)


<mm>C# 2.0|flash|title C# 2.0 Computer Language - Contents|parameters startCollapsedToLevel=3</mm>: Notes on C# 2.0. Includes the fundamentals of the language, such as classes and arrays, features that were introduced in version 2.0, such as generics and anonymous methods, and background information, such as memory management and the Intermediate Language (IL). This mind-map acts as a contents page, just listing major topics. Each major topic in the mind-map has a link to a sub-map with details of that topic. SimonTeW 18:56, 29 May 2008 (PDT)


Personal Learning Environment Map Gallery



  • I would like mind map to be able to <mm> export as a javascript Pie Menu, </mm> not a tree menu. That will give similar functionality without flash or java and make this a true break-out product. --Phalseid 22:49, 14 Jul 2007 (PDT)

    happy blending!

Free Mind

SQL Server

<mm>SQL Server 2000|flash|title SQL Server 2000 - Contents|parameters startCollapsedToLevel=3</mm>: Notes about SQL Server 2000 and its programming language, T-SQL. This mind-map acts as a contents page, just listing major topics. Each major topic in the mind-map has a link to a sub-map with details of that topic. SimonTeW 02:10, 11 Apr 2008 (PDT)


Teachable, Reusable Units of Cognition in Open Source: Open Source software presented by means of the TRUC educational pattern.

Software Development

<mm>The Mythical Man-Month|flash|title The Mythical Man-Month - Contents|parameters startCollapsedToLevel=2</mm>: Notes from the various essays in the book The Mythical Man-Month: Essays in Software Engineering, by Fred Brooks Jr. This mind-map acts as a contents page, just listing the essays in the book. Each essay in the mind-map has a link to a sub-map with notes about that essay. --SimonTeW 02:44, 18 Mar 2008 (PDT)

<mm>Coder To Developer: Tools and Strategies for Delivering Your Software|flash|title Coder To Developer: Tools and Strategies for Delivering Your Software - Contents|parameters startCollapsedToLevel=2</mm>: Notes from the book Coder To Developer: Tools and Strategies for Delivering Your Software, by Mike Gunderloy (2004). While the principles are universal, the tools mentioned are specific to .NET. The links from the book that appear in the mind-maps have all been checked and updated (March 2008), where required. This mind-map acts as a contents page, just listing the topics covered in the book. --SimonTeW 19:20, 20 Mar 2008 (PDT)



  • Steuerrecht.mm moved to the Mind Map Gallery in German

Links to Map Galleries in other languages (alphabetical order)

Bahasa Indonesia







===Korean=== (broken Link?)





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