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What follows are not fully consolidated posts, written mostly by FreeMind users.

FreeMind combined with Blogging


I made a template to use FreeMind with Blogger. I haven't exactly used it yet, but I'm pretty sure it should work. The blog needs to be published as a ".mm" file, and the index file needs to be html containing FreeMind's applet. -- Phil



An icon to associate with Freemind documents (.mm) is available for download below. It supports 256 as well as true color regimes.


Mind Trail / Web ?

Today a friend of mine showed me the website [1] and I was reminded of this project, which I have used before in organizing my writing. Could FreeMind be expanded to include another mode where people could browse through different topics like a web, instead of in a heirarchial order like a tree? Maybe something to consider for version 2.0?