What follows are not fully consolidated posts, written mostly by FreeMind users. PDAUp to 18. 2. 2004 nobody in the forum seems to have FreeMind running on a PDA. It should be possible because there are Java-VMs for the Palm and Pocket PC platform (e. g. SuperWaba) and there is JRE for Linux-based PDAs. If you succeed, please write about it here.
I created XSLT files to translate to/from ShadowPlan Desktop XML format. You can get them from the ShadowPlan Yahoo! Group. Jules ( ) FreeMind combined with wikiDisclaimer: What follows are suggestions of FreeMind users, not of the FreeMind development team. There is no combination of FreeMind and wiki under development, nor do we endorse the idea in any way. --Danielpolansky 13:15, 26 Sep 2004 (PDT)
Creating a mixture of Freemind and a Wiki would be very interesting. It would be shown on the web and editable by everybody, like a Wiki, but it would not be ugly text-only but a beautiful mindmap instead! Maybe a fusion of of mind maps and wikis reform the whole wiki-szene and eventually the internet. Rendering Wikis with Freemind would make them so much more attractive to users. --Helge Agreed. Moving through XML data, finding and modifying links will enable the link between wikis, search engines and mind mapping Existing Applications Similar to the Idea of FreeMind Wiki
In general: Combination of wikis and mind mapsNow I found the place where a combination of wikis and mind maps should be and is being discussed. In "the mother of all wikis":
[Couldn't get these to load - Mar '05 - dilgreen] The issue here would seem to be the structure of the linkages. Mind maps are hierarchical - "Tree structures" - Wikis are fundamentally different in structure, allowing all sorts of linkages - "sem-lattice structures" - as used by Christoper Alexander as the underpinning of 'A Pattern Language": The non-hierarchical aspect of the data structure he insists is necessary to usefully map real systems seems not to get enough attention - I guess because in the software world, hierarchical structures are useful in forcing structure onto free-roaming thoughts, and because data processing IS fundamentally a hierarchical process. The wonderful thing about the WWW and more specifically, Wikis, is that they not only allow hon hierarchical data stuctures, but also keep them manageable, by tracing linkages. However, in an application which truly supports 'mind mapping', an open data structure is absolutely necessary - read Chris. Alexander's short article 'A City is not a Tree' :, for a useful discussion of this in realtion to cities. The mind is infinitely more flexible and various than a city - that is the source of its power. A mind map which only supports hierarchical relationships is more of a mind-trap! - dilgreen Wikiing with FreeMind
We need a version of Freemind which can show the changes between two Freemind files in nice way. Japanese FreeMindWiki
Implementation of FreeMind in a Wiki Engine
FreeMind combined with BloggingBloggerI made a template to use FreeMind with Blogger. I haven't exactly used it yet, but I'm pretty sure it should work. The blog needs to be published as a ".mm" file, and the index file needs to be html containing FreeMind's applet. -- Phil MiscIconsAn icon to associate with Freemind documents (.mm) is available for download below. It supports 256 as well as true color regimes.
Mind Trail / Web ?Today a friend of mine showed me the website [1] and I was reminded of this project, which I have used before in organizing my writing. Could FreeMind be expanded to include another mode where people could browse through different topics like a web, instead of in a heirarchial order like a tree? Maybe something to consider for version 2.0? Tips and Tricks1. When I made a bulleted list, it appeared nicely in freemind, but no bullets were visible in tthe exported HTML-file. To solve this, I use the <li> tag as follows: <li style="list-style-type:disc;"> Instead of disc, you can use square or circle as well. 2. As default, at least on windows, node selection method is set to direct. This can cause problems whan you want to use the toolbar as when you pass over a different node this becomes selected. You can work around this by selecting the node then holing the ctrl key while you move to the toolbar. Alternatively you can change the selection method in tools -> preferences -> behaviour, then set selection method to 'by click' |