CVS Eclipse
From FreeMind
Using CVS with Eclipse
In Addition to Using CVS from within Eclipse guide by Bob Alexander, this side provides some up-to-date data. Namely, the host has changed from to .
You may be in need of a tunnel, if the following doesnot work:
@localhost $ telnet 2401
A prerequisite is that you have ssh-access to a machine whith a free internet access. This machine is "good", if the above mentioned 'telnet' works on it. And this is what you have to do to build the tunnel:
@localhost $ ssh -A -N -L you@machine_with_free_internet_acess &
Then, on your localhost, the telnet above should work. Then you can checkout freemind:
@localhost $ cvs -d:pserver:anonymous@localhost:/cvsroot/freemind checkout freemind
Eclipse with SSH-Tunnel
Eclipse-Configuration: Under 'CVS-Repositories' (look here for details) :
Use a custom label: :pserver:anonymous@localhost:/cvsroot/freemind Connection type: pserver User: anonymous Password: <leave blank> Host: localhost Repository path: /cvsroot/freemind Use default port: <tick>