Import and export

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Export and import in general

  • There is an import/export to Microsoft Excel by drag & drop or copy & paste of complete nodes. Also the other way round is possible. Just copy a selection of cells in Excel and drop it in FreeMind. Doing this with several columns, creates corresponding child nodes. It also works with the spreadsheet part of OpenOffice.
  • Also tab-indented outlines will be pasted to FreeMind, including their tree structure.
  • Import and export to Emacs and Wikipedia-outlines
  • There are more possibilities, e. g. import from KeyNote. I just forgot where that was documented.
I do not know of a possibility to import from KeyNote. --Danielpolansky 13:01, 8 Nov 2005 (PST)
  • HTML- and XML-export is pretty obvious from FreeMinds menu.
  • You can copy part of a web page in your browser and paste it to FreeMind. FreeMind analyzes the tree structure in the HTML and builds a mind map. The other formatting (bold, font sizes, etc.) is not taken into FreeMind though.
  • Get yourself XLS scripts for conversion between FreeMind and ganttproject.
  • MindManager: Download XSLT transformations sheets from Christoph Rissner. Then you can convert mind maps from FreeMind's XML format to a different XML format, which can then be directly imported to MindManager. Read more in here (HTML) or in here (PDF).
  • Easy FreeMind to MindManager: Export the FreeMind map to HTML with no folding from the File menu in FreeMind. Open the HTML in Microsoft Word and save the map as a Word ".doc" file. Open the .doc in MindManager. MindManager supports the direct import of Word files as well as other Microsoft Office documents.
  • Almost every outliner should be capable of exporting to a tab-indented outline. This can be pasted to FreeMind.

Export to Emacs and Wikipedia outlines

There are two ways how to export FreeMind's mind map to the outline format understood by Emacs outlining mode and Wikipedia. Their descriptions follow.

Use conversion scripts

Our user has created two perl scripts for conversion between FreeMind and Emacs's outline.

  • mm2outline for Emacs outline (Perl) (This version does not work for wikipedia!)
  • outline2mm for Emacs outline (Perl)

Patch FreeMind to paste outline to clipboard

Patching the source code is sensible, only if you are a software developer. In FreeMind's source in modes/mindmapmode/! replace the lines

 for (int i=0; i < depth; ++i) {
    fileout.write("    "); }
 if (this.toString().matches(" *")) {


 for (int i=0; i < depth; ++i) {
    fileout.write("*"); }  //changed
 fileout.write(" ");   // new
 if (this.toString().matches(" *")) {

and if you copy a node in FreeMind you will find an Emacs/Wiki outline in the clipboard!

See also: How to compile FreeMind

Does anybody know how to patch FreeMind that it will also import these outline? (I made an "RFE": out of this.)

Export and import from MindManager

Indirect MindManager 4.0 to FreeMind conversion

How I converted all my mindmanager-mindmaps to freemind in one go. This works for me. Perhaps not for you. Mindmanager 4.0: MMScript?-Editor has a problem with: Dim mm As MmImageType?

  1. Download Download XSLT transformations sheets from Christoph Rissner from and extract. You need some of those files in step 4 an step 8.
  2. Open Mindmap in Mindmanager 2002 (With Mindmanager 4.0 I had a problem with "Dim mm As MmImageType?". You CAN use further the MMScript?-Editor after the 21-days-trial-tim)
  3. Menu->Tools->MMScript?-Editor
  4. MMScript?-Editor: Menu->Open File->exportXML.MMScript? (see step 1)
  5. Menu->Makro->Ausführen (or key "F5")
  6. (x) Export whole map, Choose destination file, (OK)
  7. Copy all xml-Files in a new directory or make of cource a backup of all your mindmaps! Sorry windows, with linux the following conversion is very easy. Perhaps do it with windows with a batch-file or something else.
  8. Save the following bash-script to "mmtofmconvert" and make it executable with "chmod a+x mmtofmconvert":
  #! /bin/sh
  # mmtofm-convert
  # Leerzeichen in Dateinamen in _ umwandeln
  for f in *\ *; do mv "$f" "`echo $f | tr \  _`"; done
  # xml-Dateien in mm umwandeln
  # Pfad zur Datei mm2fm.xslt muss angepasst werden! See step 1
  # xsltproc:
  for f in *.xml; do xsltproc -o `basename $f .xml`.mm /home/pete/mm2fm.xslt $f; done 
  # ACHTUNG! Entferne alle xml und mmp-Dateien. 
  # Attention! Delete all xml- and mmp-files!
  #rm *.xml *.mmp  
  # Codierung von utf-8 in lokal erwünschte umwandeln. With work for me.
  recode utf-8 *.mm
  1. execute scipt from step 8 in every directory with the xml-files you want to transform.
  2. the exported mindmaps have exactly the same structure like the original! I am lucky.

Regards, Peter

NOTE: The above version of the XSLT script does not process the MindManager "notes" if they exist for each node. This is my first time working with XSLT, but the following ammendment to "mm2fm.xslt" worked for me (sections below added after line 55 in the template '<xsl:template match="data">'):

   <xsl:if test="boolean(note)">
       <xsl:element name="node">
               <xsl:apply-templates select="note"/>
 <xsl:template match="note">
       <xsl:apply-templates select="color"/>
       <xsl:apply-templates select="text"/>
       <xsl:element name="font">
               <xsl:apply-templates select="font"/>

--Apalmer00 10:27, 26 Jan 2005 (PST)

Direct MindManager X5 to FreeMind conversion

I received a couple of MindManager mindmaps that I had to convert to FreeMind. These mmap files turned out to be zip-files containing an XML file with the mindmap data. So I've written a basic XSLT which directly transforms this XML to the FreeMind format without the need to install MindManager. I suppose a convenient Import from MindManager could thus be provided in FreeMind using this info/xslt. I also suppose that this XSLT could be extended to transform additional specifics like edge-color, edge-width, etc, but I could not immediately figure out where such data is stored in MindManager's XML, as I do not have MindManager.

Q: How does one actually use the XSLT? E.g. I have an mmap, how do I open it in FreeMind?

NB: I changed "concat(#, below to "concat('#', below to make it work. I also used jar xf file.mmap to extract the files.

 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
 <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"
   <xsl:template match="/">
     <xsl:element name="map">
       <xsl:attribute name="version">0.7.1</xsl:attribute>
       <xsl:apply-templates select="ap:Map/ap:OneTopic/ap:Topic" />
   <xsl:template match="ap:Topic">
     <xsl:element name="node">
       <xsl:attribute name="TEXT">
         <xsl:value-of select="ap:Text/@PlainText" />
       </xsl:attribute>        <xsl:if test="ap:Text/ap:Font/@Color">
         <xsl:attribute name="COLOR">
           <xsl:value-of select="concat(#, substring(ap:Text/ap:Font/@Color, 3, 6))" />
       <xsl:variable name="OId" select="@OId" />
       <xsl:variable name="relation" select="/ap:Map/ap:Relationships/ap:Relationship[ap:ConnectionGroup[@Index=0]/ap:Connection/ap:ObjectReference/@OIdRef=$OId]" />
       <xsl:if test="$relation">
         <xsl:variable name="toId" select="$relation/ap:ConnectionGroup[@Index=1]/ap:Connection/ap:ObjectReference/@OIdRef" />
         <xsl:element name="arrowlink">
           <xsl:attribute name="ENDARROW">Default</xsl:attribute>
           <xsl:attribute name="DESTINATION">
             <xsl:value-of select="$relation/ap:ConnectionGroup[@Index=1]/ap:Connection/ap:ObjectReference/@OIdRef" />
           <xsl:attribute name="STARTARROW">None</xsl:attribute>
       <xsl:variable name="toId" select="/ap:Map/ap:Relationships/ap:Relationship/ap:ConnectionGroup[@Index=1]/ap:Connection/ap:ObjectReference[@OIdRef=$OId]/@OIdRef" />
       <xsl:if test="$toId">
         <xsl:attribute name="ID">
           <xsl:value-of select="$toId" />
       <xsl:apply-templates select="ap:SubTopics"/>

Here is an online conversion utility (using the above XSLT) that will convert a .mmap file to Freemind format:

Mmap format is a jar file

MindManager's file format of .mmap files is a zipped file:

/home/dgriff> jar tvf Requirements.mmap
  1782 Mon Jun 14 15:00:38 BST 2004 bin/C96CF30F-3F6E-460B-8D5A-ED5F65E852D4.bin
102572 Mon Jun 14 15:00:38 BST 2004 Document.xml
  2265 Mon Jun 14 15:00:38 BST 2004 xsd/MindManagerDelta.xsd
 48314 Mon Jun 14 15:00:38 BST 2004 xsd/MindManagerApplication.xsd
     0 Mon Jun 14 15:00:38 BST 2004 xsd/
  5037 Mon Jun 14 15:00:38 BST 2004 xsd/MindManagerCore.xsd
     0 Mon Jun 14 15:00:38 BST 2004 bin/
 13615 Mon Jun 14 15:00:38 BST 2004 xsd/MindManagerPrimitive.xsd
 13518 Mon Jun 14 15:00:38 BST 2004 Preview.png

Dave Griffiths


If that is the case, it should be possible to create XSLT that converts directly between FreeMind's and MindManager's XML. Additionally, one should be also able to get the contents of .mmap by renaming a copy of it to .zip and opening in favorite zip application.

An advantage of this approach should be obvious; you don't need MindManager to covent a MindManager's map to FreeMind's map. Therefore, you do it on any operating system you like.

This all surely does apply only from certain version of MindManager above. That should be clarified.

It is not true for files saved using MindManager 4.0 Standard Edition.

To fix problems with character encoding

Try to change the encoding="UTF-8" to encoding="iso-8859-1" in the xslt sheet posted above.