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How to contribute translations to FreeMind follows.

Step-by-step overview

  1. Get a SourceForge user.
  2. Choose the editing tool if getting started.
  3. Get the latest English translation.
  4. Get the latest translation for your language.
  5. Find and complete what is missing.
  6. Post to Translations tracker.
  7. Register yourself as FreeMind translator if you prefer.

Getting a SourceForge user

To get a SourceForge user, visit creation page, unless you already have a user. (You need a SourceForge user to post your translation to Translations tracker, as described below.)

Getting the latest translations

Look for a translation into your language present in the development branch. If such a translation is not present, take the latest revision of

Choosing the editing tool

Translation files can be edited using variety of tools.


Popeye Screenshot | Download can deal with several language property files at the same time, so you can contrast the original property file data with their translations. Also, the program can highlight all properties that do not have a translation set in one of the selected languages.

After a short test, I can recommend Popeye. No installation needed, works fine, looks good, and has a nice web.--Danielpolansky 03:26, 2 Jun 2007 (PDT)


PropeditScreenshot can directly edit property files written in Unicode reference characters, thereby saving the time and effort of converting into Unicode through native2ascii. Its plugin is integrated with Eclipse and JBuilder. Files can be opened in the IDE and saved in Unicode. See also Propedit project page.

Plain text editor

A plain text editor is the tool of choice if you are well acquainted with them and prefer them. If so, you already probably have your favorite tool. If not, these tools include Microsoft Notepad, Notepad++, Vim, Emacs and a vast variety of other tools.

Using plain text editor is more tricky in that the language translation files are using Java unicode notatiton, encoding a single non-latin character like \u4567, making the file less readable. A workaround is to convert the language file into UTF-8 encoding first, then edit it, and finally convert to Java notation again. The conversion is described in the following section. Once the text is in UTF-8 encoding, tools like Microsoft Notepad can be used, and the non-latin characters are shown as you would see them in a WYSIWYG editor. However, various plain text editors differ in their capability to show UTF-8 characters. Notepad on Windows XP is definitely able to do that.

Converting between Unicode notations

To convert a file in UTF-8 into \uXXXX Unicode escape notation, you may use native2ascii tool included with the Java SDK. Example of use ( is before conversion):

cd C:\j2sdk1.4.2\bin>
native2ascii.exe -encoding UTF8

Ideally, your file's name will be, where xx is the code of the language (e.g. en, de, dk etc.).

To convert \uXXXX Unicode encoded file back to UTF-8, use a command similar to the following.

cd C:\j2sdk1.4.2\bin>
native2ascii.exe -reverse -encoding UTF8

Posting translations

Send your translation to Translations tracker. To be able to do it, you need a SourceForge user.

Registering yourself as FreeMind translator

If you are seriously planning to become a FreeMind translator, and want to receive Call for translations emails from us, please register yourself as translator by simply replying to the post Call for registration of translators in the Open Discussion forum.

Using new translation in FreeMind

  1. Write or download the file.
  2. Unpack the freemind.jar file with 7-Zip or similar into a temp folder.
  3. Replace or add the with the new one.
  4. Repack the freemind.jar with the modified content of the temp folder.

Menu label checklist

Menu Label Checklist Poor Good
In English, use capitalized labels Move to root Move to Root
Menu items leading to a dialog should end with ... . Open
Close ...
Do not repeat the verb already used in the menu heading Export > Export to PNG
Insert > Insert Hyperlink
Export > As PNG
Insert > Hyperlink

State of translation

Currently, we have the following languages translated. The table below is out of date. It would be nice if the translators would update it. Up-to-date information of the state of translation can in any case be found in CVS and in Translations tracker.

Already Translated Languages
Language Language Short If released Translator Reviewer Capitalized Titles
Czech Česky cs not released Radek Švarz Daniel Polansky No
Chinese trad.chinese zh released william chen    
Chinese simp.chinese zh_CN not released william chen    
Danish Dansk dk released
Dutch Nederlands nl released Koen Roggemans No
English English en released N/A Yes
Finnish Suomi fi not released Matti Lassila
French Francais fr released
German Deutsch de released Christian Foltin
Hungarian ? not released documan
Italian Italiano it released Bob Alexander
Japanese Nihongo ja released Kohichi Aoki
Korean Hangeul kr released(rc5) Kim Jong Woo
Polish Polski pl not released Rafal Kraik No
Portuguese Português pt not released Luis Ferreira
Brazilian Portuguese Português brasileiro pt_BR not released Rodrigo Rizzi Starr
Russian Pусский ru released Dimitry Polivaev
Slovenian sl released Martin Srebotnjak - filmsi No?
Spanish Espanol es released Hugo Gayosso Yes
Turkish Türkçe tr not released Uğur Çetin Yes