ontology description language
I am wondering if OWL the ontology description language is somehow connected to the XML-dialect of freemind. It would be wonderful to be capable of browsing extensive namespaces (including mindmaps of course) like it is done in Thinkmap or their application The visual thesaurus. I guess freeMind is an intrigius approach to achieve something like the standard browser within wikis and knowledgebases including the whole [ Wikipedia]. What seems to be missing are:
- weighted links (logical and/or continuous e.g. [part of], [equivalent to 70%], ..., [not equal 30%])
- dynamic loading of content
- dynamic display and application (also within small areas)
- user interaction and external program control (i.e. switch to next Wiki-page)
Well it might help the Semantic Web to become a reality.
Besides it would be interesting to have something like FreeMind as a browser for any namespaces found in databases, especially those used for programming applications.
need more info on: FreeMind's xml data format (.mm)
How are the
- created
- mofified
- ID
numbers or timestamps created?
I am trying to write a program to automatically create simple mindmaps. --GunterS 09:33, 10 Mar 2007 (PST)