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The development of FreeMind is coordinated using FreeMind's project page at SourceForge, and also using this wiki. At wiki, we have requests for enhancements page; there is also requests for enhancements (RFEs) page at SourceForge (not preferred). You can browse CVS repository.

We also use SourceForge for bugs, and open discussion forum. We do not use the documentation part there as we use this wiki instead.

Contributing to FreeMind

There are different possible ways of taking part in the FreeMind development: the project needs people for:

  • developing
  • testing
  • documenting of the program
  • translating its interface
  • translating its documentation in foreign languages
Currently, FreeMind project is after a feature freeze, heading quickly to the testing phase. An important current contribution is testing. --Dan Polansky 23:59, 31 Aug 2007 (PDT)


  • releasing screenshots: if you have a nice screenshot of FreeMind, please help by releasing it under an open-source licence in Wikimedia Commons.

Getting started as a developer

See Getting started as a developer.

Getting started as a tester

See Getting started as a tester.

Reporting bugs

See Getting started as a tester.

Organization of FreeMind development

Initially, every active developer of the core team works on his own CVS branch. Our intermediate results are published as our "alpha versions". We use forum Open Discussion and section Experimental_versions on this wiki page to communicate them.

Further details about the FreeMind release process are described on the FreeMind Release process page.

Experimental versions

Currently, there are the following experimental versions available. They are not meant for productive use; use at your own risk!

FreeMind 0.9.0 beta 9 with Node Attributes, Map Filters and WYSIWYG rich text node editor

Attaching of named attributes to every node, filtering of the displayed map content based on node text, node icons and node attributes, HTML based rich text formatting for nodes and notes, fit for Java6, a script editor is included in the script plugin

--Rben13 10:06, 3 Sep 2007 (PDT)


Creating proper copyright notice

A source file may be viewed as a sum b + d1 + d2 + ... + dk, where b is the basis, di are deltas (or patches), and the plus operator is the operator of applying a patch. The basis and each delta have their own copyright holder and the year of copyright.

If there is only one author and one year, then the copyright notice is simple.

If there is only one author and more years, then the copyright notice may look like

Copyright © 2003-2005 Big Author

which is to be understood as

Some parts of the sum are copyrighted in 2003, some perhaps in 2004, and some certainly in 2005.

If there are more authors, then the copyright notice consists of more lines, like

Copyright © 2003-2005 Big Author,
Copyright © 2005 Captain,

Not all changes are eligible for copyright. If a change is small, then it does not make sense to add a line to the copyright notice for it.

Copyright notice is not required for copyright to hold. It makes claiming your right at court easier.

The correctness of these instructions is not granted. They are subject to improvement as we see fit.

--Danielpolansky 11:29, 3 Jun 2005 (PDT)

Libraries and tools used in FreeMind

Obtaining focus for selected node in reliable manner

Requesting focus for NodeView using requestFocus() method is unreliable. A reliable way of doing that has been implemented in the method obtainFocusForSelected() of Controller. A typical call in is


Requesting focus using


where newSelected is a NodeView is unreliable, though most often works.

Setting class load path in in jar

In the source folder tree of FreeMind, there's a file MANIFEST.MF. This file tells what should happen with the freemind.jar when java tries to run the jar archive. The file may look like

Manifest-Version: 1.0
Main-Class: freemind.main.FreeMind
Class-Path:                  silk.jar nanoxml.jar ekit.jar kafenio.jar
            kafenio-config.jar kafenio-icons.jar gnu-regexp-1.1.4.jar
Created-By: Joerg Mueller

A tricky thing about the file is that the length of the lines can be at most 72 characters. That creates difficulties when specifying Class-Path. In the exaple above, the first line of Class-Path is set in such a way that it has 70 chacters. That has been achieved by putting spaces before the actual list of classes. In the freemind.jar, the file can be found in the folder META-INF. Here you can check if the manifest has been created correctly.

More development pages

To see all development pages, have a look at the category Development, by clicking on the link at the bottom of this page.