Short patches

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Let us put short patches directly here.

Patch resizing images upon zoom

Our user Mario Claerhout has written to us: Since I like FreeMind so much I decided to add a little contribution. Attached you find an altered which contains following modification : Nodes containing images are now also resized when zooming. I did this by adding the method:

 private String resizeImage(String text) {

   JLabel imageLabel=new JLabel(text);
   Dimension prefSize=imageLabel.getPreferredSize();
   int width=(int)(prefSize.width * map.getZoom());
   int height=(int)(prefSize.height * map.getZoom());              
   String result=text.replaceAll("(<html>.*?<img src=\".*?\")",
                                 "$1 width=\""+width+"\" height=\""+height+"\"");
   return result;
